Foreign Exchange Management Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1973 (FERA) in India was repealed on 1 June, 2000. It was replaced by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA),
- FEMA, which has replaced FERA, had become the need of the hour since FERA had become incompatible with the pro-liberalisation policies of the Government of India. FEMA has brought a new management regime of Foreign Exchange consistent with the emerging frame work of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It is another matter that enactment of FEMA also brought with it Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 which came into effect recently from 1 July, 2005 and the heat of which is yet to be felt as “Enforcement Directorate” would be invesitigating the cases under PMLA too.
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Foreign Exchange Management Act
Written By tiwUPSC on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 | 09:11
Financial Regulation