Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is a member organization of the World Bank Group that offers political risk insurance. It was established to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries. MIGA was founded in 1988 with a capital base of $1 billion and is headquartered in Washington, DC. 175 member countries comprise MIGA's shareholders.[1]
- MIGA promotes foreign direct investment into developing countries by insuring investors against political risk, advising governments on attracting investment, sharing information through on-line investment information services, and mediating disputes between investors and governments. MIGA's strength compared to private providers of political risk insurance is its membership of the World Bank Group, which allows it to intervene with host governments to resolve claims before they are filed.
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Written By tiwUPSC on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 | 09:44
World Bank