Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The PSLV has four stages using solid and liquid propulsion systems alternately
- The first stage is one of the largest solid-fuel rocket boosters in the world and carries 138 tonnes of Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) bound propellant with a diameter of 2.8 m. The motor case is made of maraging steel.
- The second stage employs the Vikas engine and carries 41.5 tonnes (40 tonnes till C-5 mission) of liquid propellant – Unsymmetrical Di-Methyl Hydrazine (UDMH) as fuel and Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) as oxidize
- The third stage uses 7 tonnes of HTPB-based solid propellant and produces a maximum thrust of 324 kN
- The fourth and the terminal stage of PSLV has a twin engine configuration using liquid propellant
- (Mono-Methyl Hydrazine as fuel + Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen as oxidiser)
- ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU) at Thiruvananthapuram.
- Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), also at Thiruvananthapuram
- C15 PSLV-CA July 12, 2010 [35] Sriharikota
690 kg [39]ALSAT-2A
117 kg[39]
6.5 kg[39]
1 kg
Main satellite Cartosat-2B and Algeria's ALSAT-2A along with AISSat-1, TIsat-1, and StudSat. TIsat-1 is the second ever Swiss satellite launched into Space. AISSat-1 and TIsat are part of NLS-6.[40][41] - Indigenously developed flight computer 'Vikram' used for the first time
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Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
Written By tiwUPSC on Thursday, 9 February 2012 | 07:01
India's Space Programme